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Concert at The Village of River Oaks in Houston, TX

Date and Time: 7:00 PM, March 17th, 2023

The Villiage of River Oaks, Houston, TX - The library of The Village of River Oaks echoed with the resounding melodies of a heartwarming piano concert, leaving a lasting impression on residents and staff alike. The charity event, aptly titled "Harmonious Keys: Bringing Joy to Our Seniors," proved to be a tremendous success as the talented pianist captivated the audience with their exceptional skill and artistry.

Dr. Yan Shen, Alyssa Kuang, Lisa Dai, and April Guo, took the center stage, with fingers dancing across the keys, bodies flowing in time with the rhythm. The pianists effortlessly delivered a repertoire that spanned across genres, showcasing the versatility and depth of their talent. From classical masterpieces to soothing melodies and popular tunes, each note struck a chord of nostalgia and joy in the hearts of the audience.

The joyous occasion was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the organizing team, the dedicated staff of The Village of River Oaks, and the enthusiastic volunteers who ensured the event ran smoothly. The atmosphere was filled with gratitude and appreciation, as the seniors expressed their heartfelt thanks to all involved in arranging such a delightful and uplifting experience. The power of music to brighten spirits and bring smiles to faces was evident throughout the entire concert, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of all who attended.

With the resounding success of this piano concert, the director of The Villiage of River Oaks hopes to continue organizing similar events with Sun of Sound that enrich the lives of their beloved residents and create lasting moments of joy and connection.


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